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Ovarian Rejuvenation Program

3d Rendering Of Mesenchymal Embryonic An

SEGOVA is a group of biological procedures and methods designed by professor Aleksandar Ljubić and his team, to improve overall and reproductive health by restoring gonadal function and thus improving the quality of life. The biological ovarian rejuvenation process, named SEGOVA, is based on autologous, organic regeneration of the gonads, using growth factors, bio- regenerative fibrin, stem cells and genetic enhancement.
The specificity and uniqueness of the SEGOVA procedure are that SEGOVA is a sophisticated, most advanced biotechnological rejuvenation program, being a completely autologous, organic program, avoiding chemicals and medication.

The first letters of the SEGOVA acronym represent specific procedures:

S - Stem cell therapy
Cell therapy uses stem cells obtained from the patient's own body. This therapy aims to incite existing non-differentiated ovarian stem cells to develop into new oocytes and hormone-producing cells.

E - Energy
Modern biological procedures that use stem cells and substrates derived from them – exosomes, can positively influence the quantity and quality of mitochondria. Boosting mitochondrial energy production in ovarian cells can be done also with a specific physical exercise regime – HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). HIIT is a combination of highly intensive, intermittent, specific anaerobic exercise.

G - Growth factor PLPR therapy
Control mechanisms usually consist of different growth factors. These growth factors are obtained from the cellular elements of the patient's blood. Inside the ovary, they control the creation and growth of eggs and surrounding cells responsible for hormone production.

OVA - Ovarian tissue In Vitro Activation
The production of eggs - oogenesis, is dependent on proper genetic control. The Hippo signalling pathway contains several negative growth regulators. The AKT signalling pathway has a key role in the initiation of follicle growth. The ovarian tissue in vitro activation represents the autologous genetic treatment of the gonadal tissue (by promoting AKT and blocking Hippo signalling) to restore both the reproductive and endocrine functions of the ovary.

SEGOVA consists of several separate procedures integrated into a common project aimed to support, increase and/or create elements necessary for normal gonadal function. SEGOVA is a biological regenerative therapy which has been done in several hundreds of patients. Hormonal outcome - the success of SEGOVA in endocrine terms was in 85% of patients, in terms of improving hormone levels (AMH, FSH, LH, E2, Pg) up to 30%, which lasted over 2 years. From a reproductive point of view - the appearance of follicles had 61% of patients, eggs in 24%, and embryos in 17% of paTents. Pregnancy was achieved in 15% of the monitored patients, and 10% had childbirth.*

* Not the final results, as 23 vitrified embryos (out of 71 obtained) have not been transferred.

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