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Boosting Spectrum

Ovarian Rejuvenation Program

Microscopic View of Embryonic Stem Cells

In order to support and enhance the effects of SEGOVA ovarian rejuvenation, Professor Ljubić's team has introduced new technologies. The fundamental principle of Booster therapy involves the application of MASC (fresh or thawed), which provides synergy and enhances the effects of individual types of stem cells.​

1. Mobilized Apheresis derived Stem Cells (MASC):

These stem cells, primarily hematopoietic, are collected from peripheral blood after bone marrow mobilization through apheresis, a process that draws blood from the veins and isolates stem cells using automated closed systems. MASC can differentiate, modulate the immune system, and promote angiogenesis, leading to better hormone levels, follicle activation, angiogenesis, and restoration of ovarian function. They also possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the ovaries and endometrium. By improving the ovarian environment, MASC enhances egg cell quality and lowers the risk of genetic abnormalities in offspring. This therapy is supported by growth factors (hcPRP) and bioregenerative fibrin (BRF).


Specificities comparing to standard SEGOVA:

  • Cell collection is less complex and doesn't require invasive surgical procedures or hospitalization.

  • A higher quantity of cells is obtained, allowing for cryopreservation of excess material for future booster injections.

2. Cryopreserved, Mobilized Apheresis derived Stem Cells (cMASC)

The surplus if MASC cells can be cryopreserved. After thawing, these cells maintain their viability and beneficial effects on ovarian tissue. This procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis.
3. Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (TPE)

TPE rejuvenates the patient's plasma by removing particles that contribute to functional disruption and aging. The process involves extracting, treating, and reinfusing blood plasma, which helps transition to a younger systemic proteome. This includes pro-regenerative, anti-cancer, and apoptotic regulators in circulating cells, which show reduced cellular senescence and less DNA damage.

By incorporating these new technologies, Professor Ljubić's team aims to significantly enhance the effectiveness of the SEGOVA ovarian rejuvenation program, making it less invasive and more efficient while providing options for future treatments.

Active principles of the SEGOVA Boosting Spectrum:


  1. hc PRP – Activated autologous highly concentrated platelet growth factors (hcPRP)

  2. BRF – Activated autologous bioregenerative fibrin (BRF)

  3. hSC – Hematopoietic stem cells

    • Mobilized Apheresis derived Stem Cells – MASC

    • Cryopreserved Mobilized Apheresis derived Stem Cells (cMASC) - Optional

  4. TPE – Therapeutic Plasma Exchange

  5. Metabolic and Physical Optimization – Metabolic optimization and specific training


SEGOVA Boosting Spectrum consists of the following::

1. Preparation
One or more days or weeks, including hormone analyses, immunological status, infections, metabolism, vitamins, trace elements, and genetics.


2. Execution of the SEGOVA Boosting Procedure:

  • One day hospital procedure, general anesthesia.

  • Stem cell mobilization (injections for 4 days);

  • Pre-procedure analysis;

  • Apheresis - Isolation and processing of hSC from the peripheric blood (fully automated closed system).

  • Cryopreservation of surplus MASC - Optional*

  • Therapeutic Plasma Excange

  • The blood sample processing for growth factors extraction;

  • Optimisation of platelets and growth factors concentrate;

  • Isolation of bio-regenerative fibrinogen (scaffold)

  • Autologous thrombin preparation;

  • Laparoscopic or sonographically monitored creation of the subcortical tunnels in the ovaries

  • Application of BRF scaffold into the tunnels

  • Intraovarian transplantation of MASC and hcPRP growth factors

  • Ovarian Neocortex creation with BRF

  • Hemostasis control.

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