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Prof. dr. Aleksandar Ljubic
Biological In Vitro Maturation (Bio IVM) refers to the aspiration of immature oocytes from small antral follicles and/or ovarian tissue and maturing them outside the woman's body, within laboratory conditions, using biological agents. The most delicate part of the high-quality oocyte maturation process in the ovary occurs during the last few weeks before ovulation. In Vitro Maturation (IVM) aims to overcome problems encountered during the late, most delicate stages of differentiation.
Patients lacking quality oocytes may exhibit:
a) lack of follicular growth completion or
b) empty mature follicles,
c) abnormal-shaped oocytes,
d) developmental arrest (GV or MI),
e) non-fertilizable oocytes, or
f) embryos with poor morphology/dynamics or
g) ceased growth and development (Embryo arrest).
Following a brief preparation lasting a few days, immature oocytes are collected using specific techniques and instruments from small follicles or tissue, under ultrasound control. Tissue and cells then continue the maturation process in laboratory conditions. After aspirating follicular or tissue contents, there is an incubation period in specific media enriched with autologously activated highly concentrated PRP growth factors that promote maturation. Once they reach the appropriate stage, the cells can be used for IVF or frozen for future use.
Individuals with reduced ovarian function / ovarian insufficiency;
Poor oocyte or embryo quality,
Follicular growth arrest;
Issues in final oocyte maturation;
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
Preserving fertility in patients before other aggressive treatment methods
Phases of the procedure:
Blood sample processing for growth factor extraction;
Optimisation with platelet and growth factor concentration;
Preparation of autologous activator - thrombin;
Ultrasound-guided aspiration of small follicles and/or ovarian tissue biopsy
In Vitro incubation in specific media enriched with autologously activated hc PRP (from 2-10
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